Monday, November 22, 2010

Rock-hewn veggie patch

Mr Mac and I have been busy butchering the earth in the name of food production. That doesn't sound very harmonious does it... but the truth is, we don't quite feel in harmony with nature just yet, mainly due to a rampant rabbit problem on our property.

As such we have had to dig a trench around our 10m x 8m veggie patch, and no doubt will be spending every waking (non-working) hour
over the next week installing a rabbit proof fence.

Nevertheless, our little plot is starting to look rather well landscaped, thanks to a glut of small rocks on our property which I, feeling very proud of my resourcefulness, decided to use to neatly demarcate each bed.

However I started to feel unsure about my ingenious idea, as I soon realised that rocks are also homes to many a small creature...and many a vicious bull-ant!

DIY worm farm

My worms seem to be settling well into their moist, three-storey polystyrene home:

Not only are they ravaging all the scraps I'm throwing them, they also seem to be reproducing at a great rate - I found loads of baby worms squiggling about this morning!

With great excitement I also collected my first helping of worm wee, which I promptly diluted in water and sprinkled over our precious seedlings:

But it's the "castings" that every gardener lusts after most - the rich dark compost that worms create when they eat and wriggle their way through decomposing organic matter. It's supposed to be miracle food for plants.

My first batch of castings is just about ready to collect - now comes the tricky part: enticing my worms out of their lovely and familiar middle tier and up into the top tier where fresh, tasty scraps await...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Panoramic thrills

Our disgustingly picturesque view from our new 3.5-metre-long window:

There is an enormous variation in scenery depending on the time of day and the season. On a frosty morning:

And on a
sunny afternoon:

Equally spectacular.

Monday, November 1, 2010

As one door closes...

Before and after front door shots. So why does this deserve it's own special blog post? Well we think the improvement is pretty significant, especially given that the original door was technically intended as an internal door...